About Me

Orange, VA
The Therapeutic Adventure Camp of Orange, also known as TACO, is located in Orange Virginia. It is a 4-H sponsored event run by a committee of volunteers. The program serves special needs youth ages 9-19 that are Orange County residents. The campers participate in activities such as horseback riding, arts and crafts, and horse education. TACO offers a week long summer camp and Spring and Fall camp days.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Raising awareness of TACO with in the community

When I started thinking of ways we could improve TACO in 2014, the main goal I have for this year is to raise the awareness of TACO within our community and schools!

On April 2nd I had the pleasure of doing a presentation for the Orange County Rotary Club. 

Today I had the pleasure of presenting TACO the special education teachers in Orange County! 

I would like to thank both of these organizations for allowing me the time to speak with them about TACO. Both experiences were fantastic and I was able to meet a lot of very helpful and interested people!

I also attended the Orange County Chamber of Commerce banquet last week and was able to speak with many community members about TACO. 

TACO has also joined the Chamber of Commerce this year in hopes of raising the awareness!

Thank you to everyone who has made this possible!